Even with great voicing actors such as Nicholas Cage and Bill Nighy, the movie is just fun enough for some 4 year old stupid children who would not give a shit about what one of the most important mangaka did create.
Tezuka's manga influenced the entire production of comic books in his time, and since this very formatted media has not seen many changes, one may say Tezuka is still influencing the biggest part of the current comic books production, 20 years after his death.
The most horrifying fact, according to me, might be that such a bad movie is hiding Osamu Tezuka's own production as an animated-movie director ; he was one of the best directors ever in this field, even if his best works were not the old series adaptations of "Testsu-wan Atom" ("Astro Boy"), but short films he made at the end of his life, such as "Jumping".
You might want to know that Tezuka's family worked with Imagi on this movie, and gave it their blessings. I myself thought it was a wonderful movie that successfully updated Astro for the 21st century and included many themes and ideas from the manga. Also, the movie has heart and is a hell of a lot of fun. And it's sure an improvement on any of the animes based on the manga. Lighten up, dude, try to enjoy life, and maybe then you'll be able to enjoy this little gem of a film.
ReplyDeleteI would have prefered a real character design and not an update of Astro and others to the average teenager's look that sells popcorn better.
ReplyDeleteOr maybe I would have appreciated an old (even badly drawn) story with Takadanobaba :)
Unfortunately, artist families do not always inheritate the artist's talent, but they surely do inheritate his works' rights...
My biggest fear now (after this little unimportant "Astro Boy" movie) is Spielberg and his friends' forthcoming massive destruction of "Tintin".